Thursday, May 04, 2006


I have been having some flashbacks this morning...

First, I was looking outside at the dump truck picking up the trash out of the dumpster and was totally fascinated by the process. It reminded me of being little and getting excited for the garbage guys to come by. Why is it that children are so enthralled by big trucks (garbage trucks, firetrucks, ambulances)? Was it just me?

Then, I busted out my TI-36 calculator to do some simple calculations this morning and it totally reminded me of being in 6th grade and getting my first scientific calculator, the TI-36, and feeling so super cool because I was in the honors math class (nerd) and got to get one of these, while others in the regular math class still were using their ghetto, non-scientific calculators. (That was one long ass run-on sentence). Sadly, I could hardly remember how to use it.

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