Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I'll never look at a squirrel the same way.

So, the other day, I'm at Brian's house and was leaving for some reason or another and went out through the garage. Or I should say, tried to exit via the garage door. I walked into the garage and heard screeching and scratching noises and saw a very frantic squirrel climbing the inside of the garage door in what looked like an attempt to get out or maybe to look at the outside world through the little windows. I proceeded to scream, run back into the house, and shake. Okay, I didn't shake but it DID scare the crap out of me. So, after a conference with Brian, we decided the best thing would be to go outside and open the garage from the opener in the driveway and hope he leaves. So, I bravely go out to my car, click the opener, and eagerly awaited the squirrel to come running out. No such luck. The little thing ran somewhere, but where??? I could still hear him in the garage making squirrelly noises. After a sufficient amount of time had passes, I got out of the safety of my car and started walking into the garage and Mr. Squirrel had crawled up into the rafters and was screeching and looking back at me. Freak Out. Although apparently not wanting to be in the garage, he neglected to leave when the door opened. I left, came back an hour or so later and look in, and he's still there! WTF. So, anyways... Long story short, after leaving the door open for many hours, and finally not hearing squirrelly noises in the garage anymore, we are cautiously assuming that he has finally gone. But, seriously, I'll never look at a squirrel the same way again.

1 comment:

T said...

That squirrel in the picture looks pissed!