Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Am I back in college??

Once again, it's been too long since my last post, however, it's been a very, very busy last couple of weeks, so that's my excuse! Rob's brother came in last Sunday and was here til Thursday. Then the long weekend proved to be very boring... So, I'll rewind to Ryan's visit since that's when all the excitement occurred.

We took Ryan up to the mountains for a drive on his first day here, traversing some crazy highways all the way up to Leadville, the highest incorporated city in the US. The scenic drive was sort of lame, but it was nice and relaxin, though I was working on my laptop in the backseat 90% of the drive! We checked out Vail as well, which was under some heavy construction and not as Disney-esque as it's been on past visits. We walked around the desolate town for a bit, (apparently May is the off-season there) and took off for home.

The next day, we embarked on a real adventure... A hike up a mountain! We hiked up Chief Mountain through about 3 feet of snow (for the most part, we were walking on top of the packed snow), and made it to the summit just in time. We were able to enjoy the views of Mt. Evans, the Continental Divide, and just a mixture of beautiful scenery for a few minutes, then heard some thunder, and thought we should get the hell down off the mtn!

The rest of the week we took it easy... Oh, we did have an absolute blast at Fadó singing along to some great Irish Drinking songs one night.

Anyways, the weekend was boring- weather sucked- cold & rainy. But, I did get to take some naps, read some of my book (that I started a year ago), and went grocery shopping at... yep, you guessed it, Super Wal-Mart.

Well, I must get back to watching the Cubs!

Oh man, I posted this and didn't even reference my blog subject... We have some new neighbors who are either in college or act like it and they were screaming obscenities out back and driving wrecklessly this afternoon. This will be a fun situation. Yay.

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