Sunday, June 11, 2006

Feeling like I was back in college.

Satuday night I went over to Derek and Lisa's house up in Evergreen- absolutely beautiful. Their house is gorgeous, their furnishings are even better, and the view is insanely breathtaking. Hangin out with Derek and his friend Rob is like being at a frat party (they are in fact frat brothers from back in the day). A keg being present didn't help. Before I knew it, I was being yelled at to get "on your knees" to drink from the keg, or as they called it "talking on the phone" or something like that. I really resisted the whole drinking from the keg for seriously hours, but then we were standing by the keg and I asked if we were going to do keg stands (jokingly, of course) and that evolved into them saying I couldn't drink from the keg for 5 seconds and I just had to prove them wrong. So, all in all, it was a fun night. And, yes, I did prove them wrong.

Today I watched a lot of TV. A LOT. I started the morning off by watching two terribly cheesy movies on the ABC Family channel. Sad thing is, I think I had saw one of the movies a while back, yet I still continued to watch it. Then I caught up on Sex and the City and followed that up with 2 episodes of Deadwood (I'm trying to get caught up on Season 2 of that show before I start watching the new season). Now I'm watching my beloved channel, Food TV.

Oh! So I know I had mentioned me getting a new roomie. And I want to introduce you all to Lola.

She's 10 years old, a black long haired cat with gorgeous green eyes and quite possibly the sweetest thing. I've only had her a week, but she's already warmed up to me, and is presently laying next to me on the couch right now. I'm sure I'll be posting more pictures of the pretty kitty soon. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She's beautiful!! Welcome to the family Lola---I hope she likes being brushed....