Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The Easter Bunny Visits

On Friday, my parents came into town to bring me some things for my new apartment (moving in t-minus 4 days!!!) and to pick up my kayak. I had thought that my dad had just found someone to buy the kayak, but turned out my dad actually wanted it, so he bought it from me. Funny stuff. Anyways, we just took it easy Friday night and went out for dinner at Tuk Tuk, my favorite Thai place, and then out for some ice cream (coffee with chocolate jimmies- yum!).

Saturday we went on a little sightseeing trip. First, Coors Brewery, followed by Buffalo Bill's Grave, and then a little drive up to Idaho Springs for a late lunch. Later in the evening, I hosted an elegant wine and cheese party at my place complete with paper and plastic plates, moving boxes strewn all over the floor, and even my laundry sitting out. It was a vision of pure sophistication. Brian and Danielle came over and we had an evening filled with intriguing conversation regarding our favorite kind of jelly beans, pie, cookies, cake, and an especially long discussion on our favorite and least favorite cheeses. At first, I determined that there hasn't ever been a cheese I met that I disliked, until my mom brought up that evil Munster Cheese. Not that it tastes bad, but I just don't like it because of that orange crap that's around the edge of it. Thought everyone should know that little tid bit about me, so next time you bring me cheese, make sure it is NOT Munster. ;)

Sunday we went to church in the morning and then had a lovely champagne brunch at the Brown Palace Hotel downtown. It was incredibly yummy and delicious; lots of options and choices and different foods. We sat on the 2nd floor overlooking the lobby where there was a small jazz band playing and little kids dancing to the music- absolutely adorable. The rest of the day was spent napping and then my parents left to drive home that evening and to top off my Easter, the Easter Bunny brought me a basket full of yummy Frango chocolates and jelly bellies.

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