Monday, July 17, 2006

I loathe Mondays

And not because of the obvious. No, Mondays in my world mean landscaping day at my apartment complex. This means, I awake to weed-wackers, leaf blowers, and lawnmowers. Well, that's not entirely true, I usually wake to trains going by at 515am. That's what really gets me up. But anyways, the landscapers usually come around 8am and begin their trimming and cutting and cleaning-up. So, there is an area in front of my building that is about 10 feet of grass from the building to the curb, and runs the length of the building. Not much grass to cut, a few trees and shrubs to trim, but really not more than an hour's worth of work.

Yet, the weedwacking, mowing, and trimming continues till noon. Then it stops. I think, ah, finally, they are done. No... apparently they just stopped to eat lunch. The noise restarts around 1245 and continues not for a couple more hours, but pretty much till 430 or 5 pm. I have no idea what they do, but they are landscaping in front of my apartment for 8 hours EVERY week. It drives me insane because the walls are thin here and I have to listen to the machinery going ALL day long.

Sorry, just had to vent about that...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hooray!!! you finally blogged again!!!