Wednesday, May 03, 2006

So Sad.

So, the Nuggets lost the other night, so no more playoff games to attend. However, this will free up another evening to attempt to organize my place a bit better. I'll also be able to watch the Bulls play and hopefully win tomorrow night while I'm organizing and cleaning. Sounds like spectacular plans for a Thursday evening, eh? I have been so incredibly busy with work, that I have literally been in my office from 8am till nearly 6 each night actually working. Who would have thought??

Oh, I totally forgot to give the update on The Next Food Network Star. So, it came down to Guy, a man with more zealousness than Emeril, and Reggie, the huggable Teddy Bear baker. I was rooting for Reggie because he's just adorable and likeable and I don't think I'd get sick of him like I know I would get sick of Guy saying "off the hook" every 20 seconds. Much to my dismay, Reggie lost, and Guy will now be the next Food Network Star...

Speaking of television: I have sooo much catching up to do on my DVR it's ridiculous. I just went through and deleted a bunch of things I know I'll never have time to watch, but I gotta catch up on the critical programs like Grey's Anatomy and All My Children. ;)

Tonight we have kickball and I'm hoping that we win another game. I'd just like to point out that despite only winning one game so far this season, we are not in last place. I just looked at the standings... And we are 4th from last. Woo-hoo!

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