Friday, May 19, 2006

Weirdest Dream Ever...

Actually, I was so taken aback by who was in my dream that I don't even recall what the dream was about. So, when I was wee, I used to play with Weebles at my Memere and Grampa's house. It was this big set with a camper, car, motorcycle, and 4 weeble people. I believe it was originally one of my younger uncle's toys when they were young. I would play with this thing for hours. I even thought that the dad weeble and mom weeble looked like my parents. Here's a pic of the groovy set:

And here are 3 of the little dudes I used to play with:

Anyways, the whole point being to this background information is that in my dream, I was hanging out with the weeble on the right. No lies. I was with some other human person and the weeble boy and we were all sitting around. I don't actually remember the weeble talking or coming to life; however, he was human sized. Well, not really full human sized but definitely the size of a 5 year old. Just had to share that with you.

I also had a dream last night that I was hanging out with Jon Stewart and we were talking about Ben Folds while hanging out on a boat on the Illinois River. I remember it was the Illinois River because we jumped in (yes, me and Jon- we're buds) and I was like why the heck are we swimming in this water, it's disgusting! Where do I come up with this stuff??


Anonymous said...

Fricken awesome! I'm glad to hear that people have more effed up dreams then me. You made me laugh out loud. Thanks for those. What were you drinking that night??


Anonymous said...

do you know how much you could get for that set on ebay????!!

Jackie said...

I don't actually have the set- still at Grampa's house, as far as I know. I got those pics from ebay though! But, it doesn't go for as much as you might think... But it now on a couple auctions were around $20.